Why don't he write?

Why don't he write? I traveled to Kansas City in December to visit my brothers and sisters. We all try to get to town at least once a year. Brother Terry will soon be living full time in Kansas City after bilocating between there and Pagosa Springs CO for many years. Now only brother Tom and I need to coordinate travel to get to the city we all consider "home" no matter where we live. I did get down to Myrtle Beach twice and Marilyn spent a week visiting a friend in Florida. More about all that later. Sr. Mary Helen relaxing with her Unicorn playmate We were not spending money traveling but wanted to do our part to support the recovery. So we decided to add Sister Mary Helen Lebowski, RSM, to our household. She also goes by Daisey, which doesn't require as much explanation as her real name. She is now eight months old, the point which trainers say they become impossible, much like human teenagers. Honestly, she is sweet and mel...